


Lucien Tsai, title TBA Chris Ranlett, title TBA Kevin Kim, title TBA Tanvi Krishnan, title TBA


Freya Derdeyn, title TBA Ellen Ferranto, title TBA


斯维特拉娜Altshuler, “Cryogenic Characterizations of Graphene Thin-Film for the Testing of a New Instrument” Kaeshav Danesh, “An Exploration of the […]


Eritas杨, “Exploring the instability in three-planet systems” Arianna Meinking, “Defining a new set of optimal entanglement witnesses” Audrey Cole, “A […]

Fusion Energy in the Wild

Dr. 张欣(劳拉)16岁, Tokamak Energy Taming the energy of the sun is arguably one of the most difficult […]


Inq Soncharoen, “Light Propagation in Cylindrically Symmetric Static (CSS) Gravitational Fields” Matthew Chalk, “一种新的太阳能电池? Exploring Berry Curvature […]


Lupe MacIntosh ’18 and Colin Adams ’19 Our alumni panel will be discussing their career paths after leaving HMC. 这[…]

Graduate School and Fellowships 101

Hosted by the HMC 物理 Faculty “What should my graduate school resume include?” “How do I select the ‘right’ program […]


Speaker: Ari Weinstein, HRL Labs


Junior and senior physics majors attend our biweekly colloquium series, held on Tuesday afternoons at 4:30 p.m. 在沙那汉B460. The talks are open to all students and to the public, and are frequently attended by scientists from the other Claremont Colleges, 加州大学波莫纳分校, 和其他人. The series features speakers from a broad range of institutions and fields of physics.